Monday 2 May 2016


Funny how the laws of advertising don’t apply when it comes to God. You’d think a once all-powerful worldwide movement trying desperately to hang on to the last remnants of credibility would try a bit harder.

You can imagine God’s brand people briefing the agency:

"Okay, so the challenge we have is that people are repulsed by our use of meaningless cliches, antiquated language and constant references to insanely cruel and sadistic ancient torture techniques." 

And the agency goes away, gives it plenty of the old blue sky, and comes back with this:

At which the brand people pop a bottle of bubbly, give each other a hearty pat on the back and brace themselves for an unprecedented surge in church attendance and a complete reversal of society’s encroaching secularism. 

Or is it that they know it’s crap, but just can’t help forgiving them? Because if you work for God that’s part of the job description?

For the agency’s sake, they really ought not to be so forgiving. Because imagine if the same agency, spurred on by its success with God, decided to have a crack at some major high street brands. I think forgiveness would not be the order of the day.

If you're wondering what the hell this is all about read Swegways (and other Villainous Alien Species).


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