Monday, 20 February 2017


The guy next to me is huge. I mean really huge. I know I shouldn't - it's probably not his fault, and even if it is why shouldn't he be huge if he wants to be - but I'm thinking evil thoughts. Such is my state of compression that I'm not going to be able to do anything useful with either of my arms. And I have a proposal to write. And even if I hadn't, I'm feeling my consumer rights have been violated. I mean, should easyJet have sold me seat 10F if it's already spoken for by the right hand side of the guy in 10E? 

But what can I do? If he was steaming drunk or a screaming child I could complain and perhaps be moved to another seat. But he's not. It's not about what he's doing, it's about what he is. Big.

Friday, 10 February 2017


"Return to Edinburgh please," I say, glancing across at the train arriving at the opposite platform.

"You’ll not get that one,” the ticket operative remarks, flatly.

I’ll not get that one! Now that’s the reason he’s sat at the other side of a sheet of glass spewing forth boring little pieces of reformed rainforest, while I’m partly in charge of a semi-successful, often creative production company.
I’ll show you 'not get that one’. I snatch up the tickets (which I sense he has spewed forth a tad slower than usual to help prove his point) and bolt for the door. I have learnt, and he obviously hasn't, that we’re not limited by what we can’t do, but what we think we can’t do. The world isn't made up of people who can and people who can’t. It’s made up of people who can, some of whom think they can’t. It’s all about having the right mental attitude which, if you ask me, he hasn’t.